Business (Honours) Common Entry

A Common Entry course is a popular choice for students who have an interest in a discipline but are unsure of what career path they would like to follow. Common Entry courses allow students to study a broad range of subjects initially and then choose their preferred specialist area after 2 years. The advantage of this course type is that it allows students more time to discover the subjects in which they are most interested. Course Structure Bachelor of Business (Honours) and Bachelor of Business courses equip students with a broad business skill-base, ensuring graduates will have a wide range of career options. The first two years of this course provide students with a foundation in business, and subjects are common for all students. This allows students time to explore the future career choices open to graduates in the different specialism streams. Expert guidance will be available from lecturing staff and ultimate choices can then be considered in light of academic performance across a range of business subject areas. After two years, students choose their preferred stream of study. • Business Management This option equips students with the management knowledge, skill and competencies demanded by modern day business. Graduates may find employment as part of a management team in any sector such as banking, industry, public sector, financial services and many more. To link to course detail click here » • Human Resource Management Human resource management is a complex area requiring broad knowledge and skills. This specialism equips graduates for careers as recruitment officers, human resource managers, recruitment specialists or functional managers both in the private and public sector. To link to course detail click here » • International Business With increasing industry globalisation, graduates of International Business will be well qualified to meet the complex demands of global organisations and Irish businesses trading internationally. Graduates typically find employment in areas such as banking; international marketing and sales; and customer services. To link to course detail click here » • Supply Chain Management Supply chain management is an increasingly important aspect of business management and it is concerned with managing the flow of goods from material acquisition to final consumption. Graduates typically find employment in all manufacturing sectors from pharmaceuticals to food processing as well as within the logistics and the distribution sector. To link to course detail click here » • Finance and Accounting Finance and Accounting is a sector that demands graduates with key skills and understanding of the context in which businesses operate – the accountancy profession, the business entity, the capital markets and the public sector. Graduates will be equipped to work in areas such as accountancy, banking, financial services and tax. To link course detail click here » • Marketing Marketing is practiced around the world in every type of organisation including multi-nationals, local enterprises, political parties, third-world charities, sporting organisations and small businesses. Marketing careers are varied and include: research, advertising, marketing, brand management, product development, public relations, international marketing and sales. To link course detail click here »