Applied Social Care

The BA in Applied Social Care (previously known as the BA in Applied Social Studies in Social Care) is a three year (level 7) course of study. The course is designed to facilitate students who wish to pursue a specific area of interest and prepares students for professional careers in Social Care Work. The overall aim is to develop reflective and ethically-aware practitioners with the capacity to build professional relationships, in partnership with vulnerable individuals and groups who experience marginalisation, disadvantage or special needs. The course involves the study of related disciplines of Sociology, Social Policy, Psychology, Law, Applied Social Care, Personal and Professional Development and Supervised Professional Practice. Entry will only be permitted at year one and applications in relation to RPL, advanced entry and module exemption applications for any year will not be accepted and reviewed for these programmes. Applicants who seek entry into the BA (Hons) in Applied Social Studies in Social Care will be permitted once they have completed the Bachelor of Arts in Applied Social Care, Waterford Campus or equivalent programme.