Art and Ecology

The two-year Master of Fine Arts (MFA) provides an immersive education in the development of professional practice as an ecologically oriented artist while the one-year MA provides a master’s-level education in art appropriate for a diverse range of applications. Studio research provides for the development of artistic practice alongside students in the MFA/MA Studio Art. These modules provide for studio-based investigation and experimentation leading to the production of a substantial body of work. Theory and Art and Ecology engages with historical and contemporary discourses informing arts practice and ecological issues. In the first year an Introduction to Ecosystem Science provides an understanding of the operation of ecosystems through lectures and first-hand experience of the Burren. This is extended in Ecology and Sustainability in the Burren, which examines the stewardship of the area as a microcosm of environmental and ecological issues. Professional Studies modules are taken with the MFA/MA Studio Art students and focus on the development of the professional skills necessary to survive and thrive as an artist.