Computing (Software Development)

It’s a full-time four year programme delivered across 8 semesters comprised of twelve weeks each. It is also offered as a part-time five year programme comprised of ten semesters of twelve weeks each. Year one lays the groundwork for the programme and encompasses mostly foundational modules that focus on providing a solid and comprehensive understanding of the relevant concepts such as programming fundamentals, computer architecture, information systems and mathematics and statistics for computing, introduction to web development and cloud computing. Year two will build on the knowledge developed in year one in object-oriented programming, data communications and networks, algorithms and data structures, database systems, software engineering, web development and operating systems. Year three will further advance learners’ knowledge and practical skills in advanced web design, systems analysis and design and introduction to data science. Year three includes a work placement component. Year four (Award) will complete learners instruction with Cyber Security plus two modules (Mobile & Social Computing and Cloud Platform Development). In the final year, learners will complete a capstone project.