Marketing & Digital Media

Marketing is responsible for developing strategic communications and building relationships with customers. It involves researching customer needs, developing products & services that satisfy these needs and converting them into brands. We then use a combination of communications strategies such as Advertising, Sales Promotions, PR & Influencer Marketing to sell these brands to customers. In recent years Marketing has shifted into the Digital Media sector where businesses communicate directly with customers using websites, mobile phone apps and social media. Marketing and digital media encompasses all social media platforms that connect organisations to customers and these platforms are constantly evolving as we strive to meet changing customer needs. What is the BA (Hons) in Marketing & Digital Media? The BA (Hons) in Marketing & Digital Media is a four year degree course, which prepares students for employment in marketing in the digital age. The first two semesters consist of general marketing and business subjects and then students study the specific marketing, advertising & media subjects from semesters 3-8.