
Communication skills and research are key skills embraced here as students enhance their knowledge through research led dissertation, student presentations and group work. The programme may run in both on a full- time and part-time basis and because of its modular nature includes the possibility of registering for individual modules, contact us for further information.

Students will develop advanced skills and knowledge in the areas of software development, project management, research capabilities and entrepreneurial skills.

Graduates of this programme will be capable of:

Designing, managing and developing complex quality-assured software systems;
Identifying computing problems that require further research and developing research strategies for the investigation of these problems;
Analysing and critically evaluating emerging technologies and trends in the computing industry from a business opportunity perspective;
Taking responsibility for the work of individuals and groups, and will develop a high level of competence in initiating, leading and managing technology projects and processes.

Data Analytics

The aim of this programme is to produce highly-skilled graduates with expertise that cuts across the core disciplines of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science. It emphasises the critical connection from data to information, from information to knowledge, and from knowledge to decision making, encompassed in the Data-Lifecycle.

The educational aim is to develop students’ analytical, critical thinking, problem-solving and communication skills and to foster their research capabilities and innovation skills in the area of Data Analytics.

The primary aim is to develop expert knowledge in aspects of data required to become highly-skilled Data Analysts: with modules in Statistics, Data Visualisation, Time Series, Data Architecture, Machine Learning, Statistical Programming and Ethics in Data.

in Mathematics and Data Science

Data Analytics is identified, both nationally and internationally, as a key future skill and the demand for Data Scientists, Data Analysts and highly numerate graduates continue to grow alongside the massive amounts of available data. The course is well suited to numerate students who are looking to develop a more applied, industry-focussed skillset than offered by traditional mathematics courses.

The course takes an integrative approach, focusing on first building strong foundational knowledge in the areas of Mathematics, Statistics and Programming, and later facilitating the synthesis of knowledge and practice from high-tech areas within the data and computing domains. The primary aim is to develop specialist knowledge in aspects of data required to become highly-skilled sought-after Data Analysts:

Fundamental and Advanced Statistics techniques
Applied Probability
Data Visualisation techniques that bring the data to life
Time Series Analysis to investigate copious amounts of time data and trends
Machine Learning, the fast-paced and popular technique that is big data-driven.
These skills will be built alongside essential programming capability and Systems knowledge: Programming in R & Python, Data/Big Data and Distributed Data Systems, while developing strong mathematical reasoning and in-depth understanding in areas of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Analysis: Logic, Number Theory, Linear Algebra, Calculus and Mathematical Modelling.

Computing in Augmented and Virtual Reality

The aim of this programme is to provide graduates with the knowledge, skills and competencies to design, build and evaluate immersive user experiences using virtual, augmented and mixed reality tools and technologies. Graduates will acquire core competencies in computing, design and animation making them suitable for employment in immersive design and development across a range of industries, which is complemented in the semester long work placement.

Computing in Aumented and Virtual Reality

This programme aims to produce graduates that can design and develop for these immersive spaces. Virtual and augmented reality applications are set to transcend all industries and are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Our understanding of how people can usefully navigate and interact within immersive environments will also evolve, leading to the creation of more “natural” methods of interacting and exploring immersive space

Computing in Cloud and Data Centre Operations

Graduates of this course will be capable of thriving in a constantly connected, constantly changing technological landscape. It will enhance their skills with Cloud technologies, as well as providing them with the core competencies to approach working in the Data Centre environment. Additionally, they will be given an increased appreciation of the wider social, business, architectural and development context in which they will work. The course will produce perceptive, adaptable graduates, competent to prosper in employment, research or business.

Computing in Cloud Computing

Graduates of this course will be capable of thriving in a constantly connected, constantly changing technological landscape. It will enhance their skills with Cloud technologies and techniques while affording them an increased appreciation of the wider social, business, architectural and development context in which they will work. The course will produce perceptive, adaptable graduates, competent to prosper in employment, research or business.

Computing in Games Development

This honours degree aims to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and skill in developing software and the opportunity to gain expertise in the development of computer games.

As well as giving learners the strong computing foundation needed to build a game, there will also be a significant focus on the creative aspects of games’ design and development. The emphasis in the first three years is on providing a solid foundation in fundamental computing knowledge and skills and in the technical and creative aspects of games development. Students will produce numerous portfolio pieces during the four-year programme, with a large project integrating content across multiple modules delivered in the second semester of each year. The final year offers specialist options and a team project that involves the development of a substantial computer game.

Computing in Software Development

The course will ensure that students have knowledge of the fundamental principles of computing across a wide range of topics with an emphasis on software engineering.

During the course of your studies you will:

develop advanced problem-solving and computer-programming skills
acquire in-depth knowledge of current and emerging Internet and Web technologies
develop as a team player, capable of working as part of a modern software development team
manage your own learning and become capable of carrying out independent research.

Students will specialise in the design, development, testing and evaluation of software systems with particular emphasis on the application of agile process development approaches. Students will also acquire the fundamentals of a broad range of computing topics; networking, procedural and object-orient programming, testing, computer security, data analysis and visualisation, IoT, and will have the option of selecting specialist modules such as: artificial intelligence, machine learning, mobile development, smart technologies, and immersive technologies.