Legal Studies with Business

The BA (Hons) in Legal Studies with Business is a one year add-on degree course which follows on from the BA in Legal Studies in International Trade, the BA in Legal Studies or equivalent.

Special Feature of the Programme
The interdisciplinary nature of this course caters for students who are considering entering the employment market and who are attracted not only to the possibility of a career in the legal sector but also to a career in the business sector. The mix of law and business modules offered on this programme expands the range of careers that are available to graduates once they have completed the course.

This course is approved by the Board of the Honorable Society of Kings Inns for students holding both the Higher Certificate in Arts in Legal Studies and the BA in Legal Studies.

Students who have completed the BA in Legal Studies in International Trade cannot elect EU Law. Students who have completed the BA in Legal studies must elect EU Law. The elective group of Administrative Law & Jurisprudence are only available at the discretion of the Head of Department.

Legal Studies

The Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies is a one-year, full time, add-on course for students who wish to seek employment in areas where law plays a prominent role.

The main aims and objectives of the programme are:

To provide specialised knowledge of specific, core law subjects, in depth.

To provide education that equips the student with legal knowledge and skills that can be applied to the legal profession and in employment generally.

To provide a broad education that equips the student with legal knowledge and skills that can be applied in further study at Level 8.

To develop the student’s capacity to evaluate and integrate knowledge, conceptual skills and competences through group work, presentations, and independent research.

To develop the student’s capacity to become a life-long, evaluative, and reflective learner.

Students who successfully complete this programme can proceed to honours degree level on the BA (Hons) in Legal Studies with Business programme. The BA (Hons) in Legal Studies with Business is approved by the Board of the Honorable Society of Kings Inns for students holding it, together with the Higher Certificate in Arts in Legal Studies and the BA in Legal Studies, provided certain conditions have been met.

Criminal Justice Studies

The BA (Hons) in Criminal Justice Studies is a three year degree course designed to equip the student with general knowledge and transferable skills while focusing on the broad theme of criminal justice. It is a multidisciplinary course.

Special Features of the Course
While this course is both inter-disciplinary and multidisciplinary in order to help students develop general academic skills, it is designed with those in mind who would like to enter the criminal justice professions and seeks to cater for their specific educational requirements.


The LLB is a traditional law degree offering a curriculum of core and elective law subjects. Students are encouraged and supported in acquiring skills in legal analysis, legal research and written and oral communication. The course seeks to impart a sound understanding of law and the intellectual foundation necessary to prepare for a career as a legal professional.

Course Structure
The LLB is a three-year course in which the core law subjects are covered as well as a number of elective subjects. The course offered by SETU Carlow is a qualifying degree in that it is approved by the relevant legal professional bodies.

Is this course for you?
If you are interested in the art of analysis, research, logical reasoning, and finding creative and imaginative ways to solve problems, then a degree in law might be for you. Your legal studies should also provide you with a sound understanding of the foundations of the legal system, the constitutional framework of the state, and the political and economic influences on the development of the law.

Special Features:
One of the only law degrees available outside the major cities of Ireland.
Degree approved by the Honourable Society of King’s Inns and students are eligible to sit the entrance exam to the Barrister at Law Degree course (see
Graduates are exempted from the Law Society’s Preliminary examination.
Modules in legal research and writing provide students with the skills required by this discipline for independent learning and research.

Government Politics, Economics and Law

Do you want to better understand
how government works and how
public policy can be improved?
• Do you want to better understand
how politics, economics and law
combine to produce public and
social policy?
• Are you interested in working in
government, business or law? If so,
then the BA: Government (Politics,
Economics, and Law) at NUI Galway
is for you.
• The three core disciplines of this
degree combine to give graduates
unique knowledge and background
to develop careers in both the
private and public sectors.

Public Policy

The MA in Public Policy prepares its graduates to work in
government, public bodies, civil society organisations, NGOs,
international organisations, businesses and other fields and

organisations that require an expert understanding of policy-
making. In addition to core policy and research training modules,

it offers specialised modules in specific policy areas including:
Policy in the Digital Age; Advocacy and Development; Gender;
Peace and Conflict; Disability; Ageing; Child and Family; Ocean
and Marine; Urban Policy; Social Welfare; and Negotiation; as

well as an optional field trip to Brussels to examine EU policy-
making. At a time when policy formulation and implementation

is increasingly subject to political scrutiny and negotiation, the
course emphasises the political contexts in which policy is made
and implemented and the development of digital government
and new forms of public consultation and participation.
The programme is aimed at Arts graduates seeking a qualification
that will help them to secure policy-related employment;
graduates from other fields including Commerce and Law
seeking to improve their employment prospects; graduates
interested in pursuing PhD research in an area where NUI Galway
has specialist policy expertise.

Law and Business

This course is an interdisciplinary
programme that provides a full law
degree and a solid grounding in
• The third year of the programme
incorporates opportunities for
students to study abroad or
undertake a work placement.
• Upon graduation students can
pursue professional legal training
with the Law Society (solicitor) or
the Honorable Society of King’s
Inns (barrister).

Peace Operations, Humanitarian Law and Conflict

The LLM in Peace Operations, Humanitarian Law & Conflict
provides students with a comprehensive insight into the
global frameworks of international humanitarian law and
human rights protection with the addition of a peacekeeping
specialisation. This interdisciplinary programme focuses on
UN peacekeeping and related operations to provide insights
into the peace operations and conflict resolution frameworks.
This unique programme offering combines issues relating to
peacekeeping, international humanitarian law, human rights
and conflict resolution to prepare graduates for work in the
field of international peace operations with international
organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and as
individual advocates. A wide range of subject choices is available
to students, drawing on the expertise of our full time staff and
prestigious adjunct faculty.

LLM General

The LLM (General) is one of a suite of LLM programmes offered
by the School of Law at NUI Galway. This LLM can be taken
on a full-time basis over one year or part-time over two years.
It is a taught programme designed to give students complete
flexibility in their selecton of modules and topic for their minor
thesis. The LLM (General) programme allows students to select
modules to suit their own interests and facilitate their specific
career objectives. Students can select modules from the full
range available for taught LLM programmes offered within the
School of Law, the Irish Centre for Human Rights and the Centre
for Disability Law and Policy. This programme is designed for
students seeking an advanced postgraduate degree but who do
not wish to specialise in a particular area of law.

Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice

This is a unique law degree
offering for students with an
interest in crime and criminology.
• Students have the opportunity
to combine the study of a full
undergraduate law degree with
specially developed modules in
criminology, criminal justice and
human rights.
• Students will have access to
world-class academics who
specialise in the fields of criminal
justice, criminology, international
criminal law, and psychology.