Spanish & Latin American Studies

The MA in Spanish and Latin American Studies aims to provide students who already have a background in Spanish Studies at undergraduate level with an opportunity to develop their interest in and knowledge and understanding of the language, literatures and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. As well as increased linguistic and intercultural competence, the programme also offers students the opportunity to develop their awareness of a variety of theoretical approaches to critical analysis; to broaden their intellectual experience; to improve their intercultural and communication skills; and to develop their transferable skills, such as research skills, presentation skills, teamwork, organization skills and time management.

It is possible to study modules of particular interest without completing a Masters degree or to exit with a Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9) in Spanish & Latin American Studies after completing 60 credits of taught modules.

Sociology (Societies In Transition)

MA students will:

Develop their ability to apply theories of social change to empirical investigation
Enhance their ability to communicate effectively through regular class presentations and discussions.
Receive a grounding in sociological methods and will be supported in using these methods in their dissertation work.
Gain an enhanced understanding of the economic, social, political and cultural dimensions of Irish society in comparative perspective.
Be provided with a comprehensive overview of the processes giving rise to social change and the challenges faced by societies in transition.
The course involves 6 x 10 credit modules over two semesters and the completion of a thesis (30 credits). Classes are timetabled on a Thursday and Friday. See our website for our MA handbook.

Theoretical Physics & Maths (SCIMS)

You will study the entire physical world from the microscopic
to the cosmic – topics such as black holes, the Big
Bang, quantum computing, elementary particles and the
fundamental forces of nature, superconductivity, neural
networks, matter in extreme conditions, and simulation of
physical and biological systems.
You will develop a deeper understanding of the various
areas of modern mathematics, including analysis, algebra,
geometry, and topology.
This accelerated three-year programme is designed for
students with a very strong interest in theoretical physics
and mathematics.
Students take Theoretical (Mathematical) Physics and
Mathematics throughout the three years of the programme. Understand how mathematical science underpins key areas of
human endeavour and industry, from engineering to construction
to economics, software development to space travel.
Learn how to think hard and rigorously about mathematical
questions and the fundamental theories of physics.
Take a degree where you are prepared for research in
Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and their applications in
science and technology.

Science with Education (SED)

As an undergraduate, you will study a four-year Science degree,
while also completing 60 credits in Education.
After four years you are awarded a BSc Science (with Education)
degree – a level 8 honours degree. You now have two pathways
open to you:
1. You can choose to exit your studies with your level 8
qualification and take a different path in your education or
2. You can continue with your studies to become a fully
qualified teacher. This means you complete one further year
of study at postgraduate level – required in order to meet the
Teaching Council requirements to be registered as a Newly
Qualified Teacher (NQT) in two subjects. Having graduated
with your Level 8 BSc Science (with Education) degree, you
are guaranteed your place in this postgraduate year. At the
end of year five of your studies, you will be a fully qualified
second-level science and mathematics teacher, up to Leaving
Certificate level.

Robotics and Intelligent Devices

Robotics and Intelligent Devices focuses on the design,
implementation, and use of intelligent physical things in the
environment. These include robots, autonomous vehicles,
smart sensors, and internet-of-things devices. In the modern
world, many of these things are the basis for brand new
services or service improvements in areas such as health
and wellbeing, assistive living, safety, smart manufacturing,
retail and hospitality, among others.
In addition to strong software skills, students completing
the degree in Robotics and Intelligent Devices will develop
strong competencies in systems and knowledge of how
systems fit together, through areas such as electronic
hardware design, signal processing and system control.
Blending Electronic Engineering and Computer Science,
we focus on adding intelligence to every day systems and
developing robots that can interact with humans and our
environment. Through project work, students will explore
robotics and intelligent devices and may focus their project
work throughout the programme in a specific area of their
interest or blend thematic areas.
There is a transfer pathway from 1st year MH306 Robotics &
Intelligent Devices to 2nd year MH304 Engineering. Students
must attain 50% in Mathematics and pass the year. There is
no limit on places

Product Design & Innovation

A highly practical course, with an emphasis on project-based
learning, workshops, laboratory sessions and group work.
Opportunity to take a six-month, full-time work experience
placement, in a relevant employment setting.
Students acquire a broad understanding of product design
and innovation from both an engineering and a marketing
point of view – leading you to create solutions that balance
business viability, human desirability and technical feasibility. As a student of Product Design and Innovation, you will learn to
harness your creative, artistic, and problem-solving skills. You will
also gain a relevant understanding of technology and materials,
and a sensitive awareness of human needs and behaviour
through user-centred design. You will learn to combine these
abilities to create products that satisfy, even delight, users. You
will acquire an understanding of Product Design and Innovation
from both an engineering and a marketing point of view.
You will learn from accomplished designers and design
entrepreneurs – people who have experience designing in sports
equipment, medical devices, user interfaces and consumer
electronics and homeware – as well as having impeccable
academic credentials.

Physics with Astrophysics

If you are passionate about understanding astrophysical
phenomena, this degree has been designed for you.
It is based on the Single Major degree in Experimental
Physics but with an increased emphasis on studying the
physical principles needed to understand astronomical
objects such as planets, stars and galaxies, as well as the
dynamics of the Universe as a whole.
You will study the latest telescopes, satellites, detector
technology and data analysis techniques used to make
the exquisitely sensitive observations needed in
modern astrophysics.
In addition you will receive an excellent grounding in all the
core areas of Experimental Physics, opening up all the career
opportunities available to physicists.
Students attaining 60% in Experimental Physics and 60% in
either Mathematics or Mathematical Physics in 2nd MH201
Science may apply to transfer into MH204 in 3rd year. Places
are limited and are based on results. Maynooth University has a long tradition of excellence in
Experimental Physics. The inventor of the induction coil, Nicholas
Callan, was Professor of Experimental Physics here from 1826
to 1864.
Facilities include state-of-the-art laboratories, an observatory
with a computerised Meade telescope, an atmospheric physics
facility, and radio and cosmic ray telescopes.
Field trips and scientific visits are organised to other facilities
such as L’Observatoire d’Haute Provence (France), the European
Space Agency (the Netherlands), Jodrell Bank (UK), St. Luke’s
Hospital and Armagh Observatory

Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Chemistry

In this programme you will receive an excellent education
in a range of different aspects of Chemistry, with a focus on
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Chemistry and Biology.
Chemistry is taken with: Mathematics, Biology and one other
Science subject in first year, with Biology and Mathematics
or Electives in second year and with Pharmaceutical and
Biomedical Chemistry and Biology in third year.
In fourth year you will have the opportunity to undertake a
six-month work placement/internship (subject to availability),
as well as take courses in Chemistry, Pharmaceutical and
Biomedical Chemistry and Biology.
There is a transfer pathway from 1st year MH201 Science to
2nd year MH210 Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Chemistry
(subject to availability of places) for students who have
taken Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and another subject.
Students must attain at least 60%. Places are limited and are
based on 1st year results. If you are interested in the areas of chemistry that are important
for the pharmaceutical and biomedical industries, then this is the
degree for you.
You will have the opportunity to go on site visits to see the
workings of pharmaceutical companies. A six-month work
placement/internship, subject to availability, will give you an
insight into the working environment of a professional chemist
and help you to improve your career prospects.
This innovative programme develops skills in problem-solving,
communication, scientific writing and presentation – all highly
valued in the workforce. These transferable skills will help provide
employment opportunities in chemistry and non-chemistry
based careers.

Mathematics and Computer Science with Education (MED)

As an undergraduate, you will study a four-year Science
degree, while also completing 60 credits in Education.
After four years you are awarded a BSc Mathematics and
Computer Science (with Education) degree – a level 8 honours
degree. You now have two pathways open to you:
1. You can choose to exit your studies with your level 8 qualification
and take a different path in your education or career.
2. You can continue with your studies to become a fully qualified
teacher. This means you complete one further year of study
at postgraduate level – required in order to meet the Teaching
Council requirements to be registered as a Newly Qualified
Teacher (NQT) in two subjects. Having graduated with your
Level 8 BSc Mathematics and Computer Science (with
Education) degree, you are guaranteed your place in this
postgraduate year. At the end of year five of your studies, you
will be a fully qualified second-level computer science and
mathematics teacher up to Leaving Certificate level

Mathematical Studies

The aim of this course is to enable graduates having some mathematical background attain the level required to teach the subject in schools. On completion, students should attain a level of mastery comparable to that of Joint-Honours graduates in Mathematical Studies.